Wednesday, July 04, 2007

But where's the indie chart?

Last week I decided to give the NME another chance. Partly as a result of my recent obsession with my Britpop-infused youth and partly because I wanted a bit of follow-up on Glastonbury. I realised that Maximo Park had escaped my attention because I wasn't really scouring enough channels for new music - the NME being one of them. So, I coughed up my £2.10 (a week! Not in my day) and settled down for a flick through the latest issue of a rag that used make me genuinely excited when I woke up on a Wednesday.
It's not as thrilling as it used to be. But then that might be me. Perhaps I'm not as easily thrilled as I used to be. However, it's pleasing to see that there are some quality journos still working for them, including a few from my era. In addition, the anarchic spirit of sections like the letter page remains as blunt and sarcastic as it ever was.
Most important though, was the 'Radar' section (for new bands) and the reviews section. While browsing the reviews I happened upon a positive review for the new Air Traffic album, 'Fractured Life'. Never heard of them, I thought. But the review made it sound like I really should have. So, today, whilst browsing in the local indie store I decided to take a punt on it. I have to confess to be being bloody surprised that it actually turned out to be a really decent album. Piano-heavy rock without being Keane. It's not like Ben Folds either, mind. I'll try and review it properly in this coming Sunday's 'Revelations.'
Anyway, I've learnt my lesson. Give the NME a chance. I'm such an obsessive when it comes to music mags that I'm already trying to decide if the subscription offer's worth a punt.
P.S. Mojo can fuck off with their free badges and shabby 80s supplement this month. What a load of old toss. The magazine itself isn't much better.
Uncut looks alright, but then it's a 10 Year Anniversary issue, so bonhomie is carved through it like Blackpool in a stick of rock.
Plan B has a huge interview with Bjork and a free CD from Rough Trade. Sounds more like it.

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