Thursday, August 02, 2007

There are two different Gene live DVDs!

Picked up one of the limited edition vinyl copies of 'We Are The Champ', the debut album by The Loungs today. Reviews have made reference to the Super Furries, which virtually guarantees entry round here. Today was one of my most enjoyable record shopping trips in some time, and there's plenty to digest. This was an early play from the top of the pile as a result of being on vinyl. It's a lovely, chaotic, summery record that sounds like a group of people having the time of their lives - the fact that it's being released as an album is simply a nice little bonus. The vinyl pressing is spiffing too, which gets them added points in my book.
Can't find anything on Ver Tube, but if you visit their website you can hear a few tracks and find out more. If I'm not still talking about this lot at the end of the year, please get in touch with me and tell me not to be so fickle.

And in other news... I think it's safe to say I won't be able to relive the out and out joy I had when watching 'Help!' the first time round on BBC2. It was a Paul Whitehouse and Chris Langham comedy programme that was amongst the funniest things I'd seen in years. But there you go.

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