Thursday, August 21, 2008

Asphalt Ribbons

As the last post was thorough, structured and even vaguely factual, I reckon I can get away with something a little less coherent this time out.

I mentioned Tindersticks the other day. Seriously, how have I not found this band before now? They're just the right amount of...different to be utterly beguiling. It's that kind of quality sentence that will ensure that none of the big names in music publishing ever come calling, but how do you express this kind of music in mere words? I know this sounds like one of my usual attacks, whereby every couple of months I shit out hyperbole until I'm dehydrated, but I oh-so-definitely mean it this time.

If you ignored my call to arms the other day then I now present you with a few more useful resources to help you as you fall in love.

Firstly, has loads and loads of Tindersticks tracks available to stream in full; thus the love affair costs nothing! Click here and turn the speakers up.

Secondly, has a wealth of great Tindersticks info, interviews and reviews and I've found it invaluable as I've been trying to slot their back catalogue into place. It hasn't been updated for a bit, so it doesn't cover the recent album, 'The Hungry Saw', but pretty much everything else you'll need is there.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently stumbled across the Tindersticks via a pavement tribute album and after hearing their gut-wrenching version of 'Here' sought out some more Tindersticks. I've since been on a vinyl pursuit- challenging as it is, to acquire more Tindersticks wax. spinning the Hungry Saw as a write and its just gripping, its real. There is an earthy quality to Tindersticks that is just genuine and their multi- instruments are layered with just enough room for the creepy vocals to grab you by the throat and sometimes heart. I highly recommend Tindersticks self titled album. Check out their website for select full album cuts and other cool stuff.
