Thursday, May 14, 2009

Some thoughts

The new Pet Shop Boys album, 'Yes', sounds utterly tremendous on vinyl.

It's not too shabby on CD either, like.

The Maximo Park album is not as bad as it first seems but not as it good as it really should be.

2009 already has rather a lot of top notch albums:

  • Super Furry Animals - Dark Days / Light Years
  • M. Ward - Hold Time
  • Pet Shop Boys - Yes
  • Doves - Kingdom Of Rust
  • Manic Street Preachers - Journal For Plague Lovers
  • Graham Coxon - The Spinning Top
  • Madness - The Liberty Of Norton Folgate
  • Trashcan Sinatras - In The Music
  • Lily Allen - It's Not Me, It's You

and there's still stuff from Massive Attack, The Divine Comedy and Richard Hawley to come. Lovely.

Blur are back together and this particular Cinders is going to the ball. A bit giddy, truth be told. Listening to lots of b-sides at the moment. Those waltzy instrumental numbers are ace, aren't they?

Apparently, Selectadisc isn't dead. It's been bought and will be back soon. Good.

Yet more proof that supermarkets are killing music. Fuckwits.

Northern Portrait are wonderful. I may well have said this before. Go and listen and then buy their EPs from the nice people at Matinee Records.

The new Maps single doesn't sound like much at first, but after a while it takes over your head.

I know it's in the list above, but you really do have to listen to the new Graham Coxon album. It's beautiful.

The new Wilco album has a silly cover.

Doves are better live now than ever before. They've gone from being a slow band that does the odd fast one to being a fast band that does the odd slow one. I know, I know, that's what they were in their previous incarnation, but still.

Mondays aren't the same without Stewart Lee.


So, this, I guess, is what Twitter is like. Only, I'd have had to click submit after each and every mildy-interesting comment. How exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maximo Park's album is not as good as it should be"

Give it a few listens,its that sort of album.