Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So, in conclusion, don't read this...

I love Steve Lamacq. Not like that. Obviously. Although, I guess I could pretend if I could get near his record collection. He was the aural comfort blanket on the nineties and I adored listening every evening to the Session. Jo Whiley's subsequent media whoredom has ensured that I've written her out of history and I just remember Steve's grand work. These days he's on Radio 1, Radio 2 and the afternoon host on BBC 6 Music, also home to the beloved Gideon Coe. His shows remain a delight, but he's gone back to his roots and you can read his musings on music in blog form. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, he's still as bloody great as he was back in his pre-radio days.

Go here for a number of witty, eloquent and downright entertaining blog posts.

Why do I bother?

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